Monday, November 14, 2011

I'm feeling it in my bones...

In my college days, I had a little incident where I fell 50 feet while hiking in the snow in Provo Canyon. I miraculously survived with only bruises and some permanent nerve damage in my elbows. Every change of season my elbows ache. It reminds me of what happened.

Right now my elbows are aching, a new season is here.

Another kind of season is upon me and I'm feeling it in my bones...I'm no longer a "young" mom. I don't know when that season officially passed me by, but I am now a mid-30 something mom with school aged and middle school aged children...I'm a "middle" mom. I'm okay with it, for the most part, but I just wish I could hold onto this season and not let it speed by so fast.

For example:

I can't wrap my head around the fact that it's already been a year since we took this picture...

...And now we look like this!

A whole ridiculous year...365 days. 

Three hundred sixty five days filled with what?

laundry, school, soccer, piano, tutoring, church, birthdays, family visits, dishes, lunches, running, projects, traveling...the list goes on and on and on.

Somehow we managed to fill our days so much that I didn't even realize how my children were growing and changing right before my eyes!

I'm intensely aware of it now. In fact so aware that not  a day goes by that I don't feel an ache over noticing a change in one of my kids.

Camden is now potty trained and the sight of his little buns in his big boy undies gives me aches. His verbal skills are a little insane. It's crazy. His new favorite phrase "What the H is going on here?"

Eden is the sweetest space case on this planet. She recognizes that she is and really wants to change. She wants to be more independent and grown up. She is always asking to help whether it's loading the dishwasher, cutting apples or peeling carrots. If only she was that excited to clean her room or do her homework.

Maya is truly blossoming every minute of everyday. She is such a responsible kid. She amazes me with her desire to do the right things and do them on her own. She is a deep thinker and has an understanding of things beyond her years. She is becoming my friend, not just my daughter. I have been waiting for this time to come, as awesome as it is, it's still giving me some achey aches.

Overall, it's not a bad thing. In fact, it's been so good for me to stop and be more present. I want to enjoy this season for all it's worth.


Ashley said...

I love the photos! I have to say that I would give anything for the kids to do one more Peter Pan show for us. Those days went by too fast and I know these will also. Beautiful pictures of a beautiful family.

Lauren in GA said...

This was beautifully written, Jessica. I so hear you. It makes me thrilled...and breaks my heart that my kids are growing so fast.

You all look great in the pictures. I love your outfit...and Camden got some great air in that last picture. ☺

Lauren in GA said...

Oh, and I loved your sweet and real descriptions of your kids. awful to have your elbows ache like that...ooooohhhh...

calibosmom said...

You're in a great place! I just had this same conversation with myself yesterday. Reminding myself to enjoy the process and not worry about the little things being perfect. "What the H" is Caleb's favorite sentence too-he is 15 though. Sounds funnier from Camden. Can't wait for the Hawaii post!

Jenny Erazo said...

love reading your blog jess. you always make me think about where I am. My oldest child will turn 14 next month. it goes so fast. :(

Mrs Ana said...

You never forget those moments but the best is yet to come! I promise!

Unknown said...

Great pics!