The backstage, pre-show jitters.

The Performance

The Adoring Audience
The Star with her fans
(This is Mrs. Spear, the best teacher ever!)

Life isn't about wating for the storm to pass...It's about learning how to dance in the rain. Bailamos!
The Performance
The Adoring Audience
The Star with her fans
(This is Mrs. Spear, the best teacher ever!)
1. Eden sings. She makes up words if she doesn't know the song. She will sing/talk like "do I have to go to bed?" or "what is for dinner?" She is a good singer and beats all of us at High School Musical Sing Star. Even though she doesn't know the words she hums in perfect pitch. The funniest thing ever is to listen to Eden sing while she is listening to her MP3 player. (By the way, this song that is playing, read my mind by the Killers is one of her favorite songs)
6. Eden is the funniest kid. She makes up knock-knock jokes. She talks with her hands and her hips. She thinks she is a teenager. Her famous phrase is "Just to tell ya...."
I don't have a picture of this, but I had to mention it because it made me chuckle. Eden was trying to help Maya with her homework. (double digit subtraction...borrowing) Although it was sweet, Maya was not appreciating the help and was totally about to loose it with Edee. So I asked Aric to find something to do with Edes to keep her busy. Eden wanted to play UNO. She was very excited to play because she is really good at it and totally beats us. She calls herself "The Reverse-r". She couldn't wait to play and Aric was taking too long to get ready.
We worked on the yard today. We were working before we left for Annie and then after. I was on a mission. I hung up a hose thingy I bought last spring and I planted my first garden.