swimming. Swimming. SWIMMING!
The girl's can't go enough! Thankfully we have generous friends who don't mind us pool crashing.
Camden mostly likes snacking while everyone else swims...
...but he does enjoy the water as long as he is attached to me.
Or being thrown in the air.
The girls love swimming with Papa Joe because he turns into the tickle monster.
hOme ImProVinG
The kitchen is so close to being done...so close. I just need two days kid free, but that will never happen so the white paint sitting in my garage for my cabinets will continue to gather dust.
DoOrbeLL DiTChinG
We started a tradition many years ago of doorbell ditching. Sometimes we leave treats, sometimes we leave gnomes, sometimes we leave giant paintings of mountain lions.
FriENd CeleBraTing
YAY! Jessica R was born!
FrieNd & fAmiLy HosTinG
My dearest old school friend, Jen, came for a very quick visit.
This is how we have multiplied and replenished the earth.
It's awesome that our kids are the same age and gender. We couldn't have planned it any more perfect!
GraNdmA VisItinG
GK came for a chemo visit. We are sad that she has to come all this way for chemo but we are so glad that we get to spend some time with her when she comes. This time we got a whole week with GK. I hope our crazy life served more as a distraction than more drama. We love her and she is one tough grandma!
EcliPse WatChinG
Can you believe it took me almost a month to see it!? It was awesome...so much better than the previous ones.
CouSiN PlaYinG
Having built in playmates is pretty cool. (I love that they all have the same summer haircut.) Yay for sleepovers and the playdates that last all day long.
There are never enough hours in the day. With all of our summer fun I still have to tutor, run and work on my book, which makes for very little of this...
...napping only happens when I stop moving enough to realize how tired I am. This day Eden was having a melt down and needed to take a rest. She wanted me to snuggle her...well how could I resist! Clearly I needed a Sunday nap...too bad Sunday can't be everyday. Now I'm off to feed my children and attempt to clean the bathrooms...I get easily distracted on bathroom cleaning days, so not a summer fun activity.