Wednesday, January 23, 2013

My favorite place on earth...

My favorite place on earth is inside of any LDS temple. The only thing that makes that experience better is being there with people that I love...

The Boston Temple is beautiful...

Turning twelve is a big deal in my religion because that is when you are old enough to go inside the temple (unless you are being sealed to your family, like when Camden was sealed to us after his adoption was finalized). I couldn't wait to take Maya, and I was so excited that her first time doing baptisms for the dead would be inside the Boston temple!

She was able to get baptized for her great-great grandma, my great grandma who died shortly after giving birth to my Abuelita Hernandez. Her name is Ana Maria Aguilar, I was able to watch Aric baptize Maya, by proxy, for her. It was a very special experience.

I still can't believe I have a child old enough to go to the temple! Watching her do this sacred ordinance for her own ancestors was so special. She was so excited to be there. I know it is a memory she will always cherish.

I LOVE to see the temple. I LOVE to go inside the temple. I especially LOVE seeing my daughter inside the temple. I hope that she will always strive to live her life worthy to go there and feel the special spirit that can only be felt inside a temple of God. I cannot wait for the day that I will be there, again, with all three of my children.

Holiness to the Lord. 
The House of the Lord.


Rochelleht said...

That is awesome! I love it too. Jane's first time was in nauvoo and for family names as well. It was soooo special.

Melissa-Mc said...

That is so great she was able to be baptized for her great great grandma. I was baptized for mine when I was a teenager.

Lauren in GA said...

Beautiful post and beautiful pictures! So neat that she got to go to the Boston Temple and do work for her great great grandma. The church is so amazing.