(Que Mariah Carey..."Always be my baby"...do do do dah...do do do do do do dah...)
"I know that all those years of trying, waiting and hurting were all about this moment. I was never supposed to get pregnant. This is how my son was supposed to come to me...Instantly I knew he was mine. The baby boy I dreamed about was finally here..."
That is an excerpt from my journal when C was born and this time every year my heart goes back to those precious moments. I cannot even believe it has been SIX years! This boy has had my heart before I ever laid eyes on him. Every single day we have a morning snuggle ritual that is more for me than him because it is only a matter of time before he will be as big as me and he won't want to...and besides, it will be super weird and embarrassing for both of us before too long. Wahhhh!!!
(48 hours old Camden)
This boy is ALL boy...Dirt, sports, food, bugs, teasing, pretend fighting, super hero loving, lego building, exploring, tree/fence/anything climbing...that is him. He is also very brave and freakishly strong.
(1 yr old Camden)
He is also tender hearted...so sweet with babies, elderly people and animals but not so much with a certain sister whose name happens to rhyme with "beadin'". He tells me every day that I'm the best mom he's ever had and that he loves me soooooo much.
(2yr old Camden)
Camden truly loves people...he has never met a stranger. Seriously, every where we go he makes friends. Everyone in his class thinks he is their best friend. I go help in his class on Fridays and every time I go someone new tells me how special or sweet or nice Camden is...not just his classmates but other teachers too.
(3yr old Camden)
Camden has been blessed with many talents, it's amazing what he can do
with just about any sport. He has natural abilities that are beyond his
years. His memory is ridiculous, it's amazing the things he can vividly remember. He can also sing and memorize songs like nobody's business. Everyday he runs around singing songs from Newsies using a New York accent...it is the funniest thing ever.
(4 yr old Camden)

(5 almost 6 year old Camden)
Other Fun Facts about C:
He says the best prayers and he always asks Heavenly Father to bless his missionary cousin Manuel to be safe in Mexico and to bless his Tia Ines and Tio Felipe to not miss their Manuel too much.
He loves pancakes, pasta and pizza...in that order.
He wears size 7 slim pants and size 2 shoes.
He LOVES his dad...no like I mean he REALLY REALLY loves him.
He has two girls in his kindergarten class who have professed their undying love to him.
He has decided that he wants to play football and basketball for Clemson after his mission.
He wants a lizard desperately.
His favorite color is blue or red depending on the day.
He loves to be outside...every minute he can get away with it he runs out the door. Rain or shine, light or dark, cold or hot, this child needs to be in the great outdoors.
He still has aim issues...Cami can I please fly you out to help with this!!!
Even with his aim issues that send me into "mean mom who makes him clean up his own pee" mode, Camden will always be my baby. Always. I still give him piggy back rides to breakfast every morning...even though he easily takes up at least 2/3 of my body and is solid muscle. He still wants me to sing to him his "baby songs" and it makes me teary every time. I have no idea how much longer I have with him as my "little boy" but I will do my best to treasure every second of it.
Happy Birthday Mr. C!!! You are the best son I ever had and I love you sooooo much!
xoxo Mama
**Six years ago today my heart was heavy and my knees were tired from all the praying...all I wanted was my baby. I had no idea that at the exact same time a sweet girl in South Carolina had a heavy heart of her own and that in a matter of hours, both of our lives would change forever. I wasn't there for his first breaths, his first feedings or to dress him for the first time, he shared those sacred moments with someone else, someone who needed those precious memories to last her a lifetime...I cannot express how deep my love and gratitude for the sacrifice C's birth mom made so that he can have a better life and so that I get to have him forever. I pray that her heart is lighter today than it was six years ago knowing that her sweet baby is growing into a smart, strong, happy boy who is loved by many and he knows and loves Jesus. She will always be in my heart sharing this special day with me. Mr. C, I hope that someday you will truly understand how blessed you are to have two mama's who would sacrifice everything for you. xoxo
1 comment:
So, I'm bawling...from the tender words in your journal to the tender words about his birth mom...all beautiful beyond my powers to describe. He is so wonderful and the pictures are gorgeous. Happy 6th, mama. :)
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