So you must refer to What's A Bow-Bah post if you don't know what a bow-bah is. Anyhow...The other day I was looking for my $4.00 off Olive Garden coupon because I really want to go to Olive Garden but refuse to go without my coupon. I thought I put it by the fridge, so I decided to look under the fridge to see if it had fallen underneath it.
Well...I didn't find my coupon but I found a bow-bah! And I discovered lots of other unpleasant things. Eden took a picture of me digging under the fridge. I had to use a flashlight, a frosting spatula and a yard stick to get all the gunk out. Aric saw my pile of goodies and was pretty disgusted. He couldn't believe I would post a picture of it. He thought I should be emabarassed by my pile of shame. The thing is, I'm pretty sure I am not the only one that hasn't cleaned under their fridge in three years. Am I right? Unless you have moved recently and that doesn't count. So here are the goodies I found. Unfortunatey there was no Olive Garden coupon hiding in the dust bunnies, just a bow-bah and a few other treasures...
That is both gross and beautiful at the same time....
First your Olive Garden idea makes me hungry and craving...
then your dustbunnies make me want to throw up.
Do you have no sympathy for my pregnant state?
Forget the coupon... let's go to Olive Garden NOW - that sounds so good. I know, we should go while the boys work on the sheet rock :) We'll bring them our left-overs!
Ah, another use for that frosting spatuala. I have the same one and sadly it hasn't been used in a long while. Now I know what else to use it for.
Total bummer about the coupon. Yesterday the easter candy dumped down onto the kitchen floor and so I know under my fridge their are countless m&ms and jelly beans. Oh well.
It scares me to think of the things that might be hiding under my fridge. But it truly makes me happy to see that even YOU have yucky stuff under your fridge. I seem to remember a post about you cleaning under the dryer- that is just wrong, you only do that kind of stuff when you move. Which you better not, by the way...
Nice work. Totally something I would have done in a fitted frenzy. YOUR NOT ALONE... [sung to the tune 'Your are not alone']
I would have to admit that I don't clean under my fridge very often and I am sure mine would be worse.
Love Olive Garden. Go anyway. Totally worth it. It is one of my favorite places to eat and now I am hungry. (I'm sure it has something to do with pregnancy)
Thanks for the craving.
weeell...he is the first chris pictured. don't judge him by the long and far too curly should see him when he has short hair!! C-U-T-E!!! i'll have to scan the pic i have of him in and then send it to you.
oh! and i will call you later tonight once i am done running around like a crazy person and explain all of the happenings...
You and your coupons! You make me laugh!!!
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