Saturday started with a morning run with Amy, we barely survived 2 1/2 miles in the windy frigid air. But I knew what lie ahead, all that yummy food was my motivation. My mom and step-dad, Joe, came up for the weekend. They dyed eggs with the girls and then we had an Easter egg hunt in my sister's gigantic backyard, the kind you don't find in our neighborhood.

We were also celebrating my niece, Mari's (aka THUNDER LIPS), sixth birthday so we had pizza and birthday brownies...good thing I ran!

Before the girls went to bed, we set out their Easter baskets and set out some carrots for the Easter Bunny.

The girls were so darling in their Easter dresses. I made them wear white sandals to show off their cute toes despite the cold rain. I just couldn't bring myself to put tights and black dress shoes on with their sweet springy Easter dresses. They are learning at a young age that sometimes you have to sacrifice comfort for fashion.

But don't they look ADORABLE, it was so worth it!

(If I look annoyed to you, it's because my mom took like fifteen pictures and this is the only one that turned out decent.)
After church we hosted Easter dinner. Aric made the ham...soooooo YUMMY!

We had my sister's family (the Stockman's), my parents, and the missionaries from our ward. Also on the menu was...funeral potatoes, green salad, garlic/parm. roasted asparagus and rolls. For dessert, banana cake. glad I went for that run!

Edee and Tessa and the little, little kid table. Eden wasn't too happy about this so we pushed the table as close to the big table as possible.

It was a nice Easter Sunday. Our church service was beautiful, the kids sang one of my favorite songs "If the Savior Stood Beside Me". Both of the girls knew all the words but Edee sang especially loud. Maya gave her first talk in Senior Primary (the 8-11 crowd). She wrote it mostly by herself and stood at the pulpit all by herself. Aric and I sat there bursting with pride as our sweet, shy little Maya so bravely stood there and bore her testimony on how "Jesus Christ is my Savior" This is her talk. And these are the pictures she chose to go with it. If you double click on the pictures you can read what she wrote.

Most days I feel like I am failing as a mother. I worry that I am not patient enough, or I expect too much. But most of the time I feel like I'm not doing enough. Then I have a moment like today, with Maya. It makes me realize that on many levels I will fail my kids everyday. But when I hear my shy 7 1/2 year old daughter with emotion and confidence, tell a room full of kids and adults that she knows who Jesus is, and that He is her Savior, it makes me feel like I must be doing something right. And if that is all I do right, that will be enough. I know it will be enough because I believe that Jesus is my Savior too, and He will make up for my shortcomings as a mother and as a person. As long as I do my very best and repent when I fall short, He will be there to teach me, to strengthen me, and to guide me. I am so grateful for the atonement of Jesus Christ. I know that He suffered in Gethsemane and died on the cross for me, He suffered and died for us all. He gave us the gift of eternal life by rising from the tomb. His resurrection means everything. If we turn to Him, He will be there waiting to lead us back to Him and our Heavenly Father.
I am humbled by His love for me and I feel it everyday. I am so grateful for this Easter holiday that allows us to acknowledge Jesus Christ, and remember what He did for each and every one of us. I hope you all had a wonderful Easter!
Reason #42 Why It's a Bummer Not Being in Primary Anymore:
Not getting to hear Maya give her talk!
Your girls did look darling at church yesterday! And your ham looks super yummy!!!
I was sad that I missed her Senior Primary and her talk. I had to go home because Tyler was kind of sick. What does "kind of sick" mean? It means your kid was such a pig and ate almost everything in his Easter basket before his parents were even out of bed, that he almost threw up and couldn't go to church. I guess it was a good lesson, but him and Todd missed church on Easter and he didn't get to sing "If the Savior stood beside me" which made me sad. Didn't they do an awesome job! I know the Savior stepped in and helped on that one, if you only knew!
Simply wonderful...
But I have to ask... what are funeral potatoes??
I was bummed Jackson slept through his first chance to sing with the primary kids. But at least he was sleeping and not screaming.
You looked adorable, your kids, and even your color-coordinated tie husband too. I need girls!
I'm bummed we missed the Friday activity. Dan's brother wanted us over for a Duck b-ball game and so family time trumped potluck at the church. Dang family. Kidding... sort of.
Beautiful dresses!!! I am so sad I didn't get to hear her talk... we love your family!
You are welcome to join me for the bachelor ANY time! I watched those horrible years too (Jen and Charlie) and I honestly just turn a blind eye to the outcome and focus on the glorious weekly trainwreck that gives me oh so much viewing satisfaction. :)
Firstly, I completely run to justify eating as well. Secondly, what is up with Aric's special touch when it comes to cooking meat? Thirdly, you guys always make me feel so guilty because you're SO great about having missionaries over- even on special occasions. And Fourthly, Poor Eden! (I feel like I say that a lot.) Next time she's stuck at the "kid table" tell her to call me. Being the youngest of six kids, I sat at the kid table until I was about 18! She looks ticked in that picture- and understandly so. I totally feel her pain. Sorry for the long post. Oh- and Maya is all sweetness. Jack & Owen ADORE her, as do I.
Seriously, you look like the cutest family all matching and coordinated for Easter Sunday. Your mom took a great picture - even if it was #15.
Your dinner looked like lots of fun. I bet it's nice to share it with family and FRIENDS, if you know what I mean.
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