I would find myself totally neglecting the house and my family. I would stay up late working on this stuff and would be so dead tired the next day, I could barely get Maya off to school. After awhile I decided that it was no different than my first trimester when I was pregnant with my girls. So I just tried to remember that all these headaches and frustrations of getting approved was my morning sickness and insomnia....first trimester issues.
Well fast forward four months later and here we are, finally APPROVED!!!!!!

(I'm holding the approval letter in this picture of us jumping for joy)
Our caseworker has really worked hard for us and I know it's because he has felt the spirit too. I seemed to be calling him, emailing him or stopping in his office on a regular basis, so maybe he just wanted me off his back, in any case, he made it happen. I would hand deliver any form he needed because I didn't want to waste even a day sending it by mail. I still can't believe it. It is still sinking in. We are actually going to have a baby! I don't know when, sometime in the next year we hope. But after three years of trying and dealing with all the heartache that goes along with it, I can handle sitting around waiting for a phone call. And let's face it, I won't be sitting around at all. I've got a nursery to decorate!!!!! WHOOO HOOO!!!!!!
So if you would like to check our profiles out, we have two of them, you can go to http://www.aricandjessica.weebly.com/ or go to http://www.ldsfamilyservices.com/ look under AricAndJessica E50. The LDS website will hopefully have our profile updated tomorrow. Please be sure to pass on the info, especially if you happen to know a baby in need of a fabulous family.
THANK YOU for all of your love and support. I know the journey is far from over but at least we are finally in the game! I know there are some of you out there who are dealing with the infertility and adoption rollercoaster, I am so touched by your courage and strength. Your courage and strength has helped me get this far in our journey and I know I will continue to lean on it during my times of discouragement. And a special SHOUT OUT to the rest of you incredible people that I call family and friends. Your love and support has sustained us this far and we are grateful for all of your prayers. I have felt those prayers lift me, carry me and push me. I am truly humbled by the people that the Lord has put in my life.
hooray!! i am so happy for you! i've heard that there is a ridiculous amount of paperwork to get through, but you did it! you have such a greatattitude about it all! you will make a wonderful mother to some very lucky baby!!
thanks for the update, i was wondering how it was going!
i love your jumping for joy photo!!
Picture me jumping up and down in a similar fashion for you and Aric!
That picture definitely needs to go in the baby book.
Congrats and happy decorating!!!
Woo Hoo!!! I am so excited for you...
Adoption is THE BEST.
That is the greatest picture!!!!!! :)
I am so, so, so, happy for you!!!! Congratulations a million times over!!!!!!!!!!
I love your, "Shiny Happy People" song playing!!! SO PERFECT!
Great picture...you got some air! Many congratulations! The Lord is directing you and helping you find a special spirit to add to your family. Whoever it is will be lucky.
I'll just say it again--I am SOOOO happy for you!!! YAY and HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is such fantastic news! I love that you captured your excitment in that great picture! YAHOOO!!! I'll be prayin' for you guys! That is one lucky baby comin' your way!!!
I LOVE that picture of you two jumping in the air. Congratulations on getting approved.
I will keep you in my prayers that that little spirit that is suppose to come to your home will get there safely.
Yay for you! I am so excited for you! Job well done! I hope you didn't break your ankle when you landed from that leap in your heels!!!
OH CRAP..Everyone just found out my secret identity as Glenn... :) (It is lindsey.. on my parents computer.. SORRY!)
Jess! Those websites are SO good. So well written and so reflect all of the amazing things that your family is. I'm so so so so dying for this to happen soon! (Like Fall? So we can have same age babies?)
I am so excited for you and have chills and tears. Prayer is amazing isn't it? I am off to check out your websites and probably cry. YAY FOR YOU!!!
oh my gosh. What an amazing story. I am so happy for you guys. Please keep us updated and let us know if anything new happens!
Beautiful website. I want to adopt you myself,but wait you're already mine via your mom. I love you and you know my prayers are always with you!! That is some blessed child that will join your family and mine. I can't wait!!!
That is so awesome! I am so excited for you! You need to put that picture on your profile, your birth mom will be WAY impressed- just like the rest of us. I have to say, I too was worried about your landing in your heels. I hope that we won't be soon reading a post about your broken ankle. We all love you and pray for you and your family! :)
be careful!!! once we posted our profiles on the lds website we were picked 2 weeks later! (this was for baby#3) you better get going on that room!!
my case worker once told us that being hispanic probably helped us quite a bit--all three of our gorgeous kiddos are part hispanic. viva la raza!
i also love that you FREELY admit you are 'a fabulous family'. paul and i definitely gave off that same 'aura' of we are awesome people...i think that helped too. confidence!!
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