"Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces up, snow is exhilirating; there is no such thing as bad weather...only different kinds of good weather."
~John Auskin
I love quotes. I have made books full of my favorite quotes and this is one I found many years ago while I was single living in Boston. The weather there at the time was pretty mild, it was the eve of summer and I was enjoying the cooling off.
Little did I know what that winter had in store for me. I ended up being in Fargo, North Dakota. I had never experienced cold like that before and I have never since. During those frigid long months I would remember this quote. After awhile I decided snow was not exhilirating and that this quote did not apply to North Dakota weather.
Fast forward to this winter. I have lived here for 5 winters now and although they are really rather mild compared to North Dakota winters, I still find myself dragging through January, February and part of March. Every year we try to go on vacation to some place warm to get us through those last miserble weeks.
So this year I decided to say this quote to myself everytime I felt annoyed about the weather. Surprisingly it did help with my bad attitude. I actually did find snow exhilirating (as long as it wasn't freezing and the roads weren't bad). Even though we got record breaking snow falls, I still managed to have a decent attitude...until last week.
I couldn't take it anymore! I wanted to be warm, I wanted to walk Maya to school, I wanted to go to the park, I wanted to go rollerblading, I wanted to wear cute sandals, and run outside in shorts and a t-shirt. I was just sick of the mud that was being tracked into my house and the coats strewn about the house (because no one but me in my house knows how to put clothes on a hanger). So let me tell ya, I was so happy to get out of here and go to California. But like I mentioned in the previous post, the weather...not so nice. Although the rain was refreshing, I just wanted a taste of some delicious sunshine.
Well guess what! I got it yesterday! The minute Maya got home from school, the girls were outside. They were riding bikes, driving their Barbie car and having a picnic! They didn't even have jackets on!!! It was heaven. The only problem is that it took me like 10 minutes just to get their bikes out of the garage because it is such a wreck. Can anyone say "Saturday Project". Well anyway I hope this gets me throught the next few weeks and that you too can get a taste of some delicious sunshine where ever you are...