This is my Tio Marco. He is my mom's younger brother. Today is his 50th birthday.(4/16/2008)
My Tio Marco has loved me since the day I was born, and has been there for me ever since. This is a picture of me holding on to his "fro" for dear life.

Since my biological father has never really been a part of my life, and my first step-dad was not the greatest father figure...my Tio Marco stepped up to the plate for me and my brothers and sister and has never moved. He has always been there...
-When I got a Barbie car and Barbie bicycle for my Barbies, he assembled them, stickers and all.
-When I needed help with homework especially when those blasted computers first came out. He taught me and let me use his.
-When I needed a ride to or from school, practice, a friends house, etc...he picked me up.
-When I needed to be disciplined for some misdeed, he grounded me.
-When I was totally broke in college and couldn't afford my rent, he sent me money.
-When I needed a priesthood blessing, he gave me many.
-When I needed someone to look up to as a loving, honorable priesthood holder. He gave me an example. (I've been thinking a lot about this because I have to give a talk on the restoration of the priesthood on Sunday)
So basically he (along with my Uncle Al) has been the main father figure in my life. Tio Marco has always attended every major event in my life, the lives of my children and everyone else in my family. If he wasn't there, he had a very good reason. He took over as patriarch of the family at a very young age. Shortly after my family came up to the US from Honduras, my grandpa, his father, died of cancer. (My grandpa was in his thirties) I know that Tio Marco sacrificed a lot and put many things in his life on hold to take care of the family. He has always been a hard worker and never a complainer. He was the first in our family to go to college and go on a mission and....If I go on anymore it will sound like a eulogy...
So here's to you Tio Marco! You were the first man I ever loved and the only one who has stuck around from start to finish. Thank you for everything! Feliz Cumpleanos! Te amo mucho!

(This is my tio with his son, Marco Antonio Jr., aka "Pochito")