This is how we spent the day...
After the picnic we rode our bikes to the parade.
The Parade

The Guys
The Girls

The Kiddies

After the parade we took a much need rest.
Then we headed over to the Sampson's for a BBQ and a "camp out". We started the festivities as only you can in our state.... with POP ITS and ROCKET STREAMERS!

The Dads handled the grill...
(notice the football cradled in Aric's arms, now that is called multi-tasking man-style)

Aric and Mike playing catch.
Mike killing the ants with his mini air compressor.

Setting up camp...with lots of helpers.

S'mores for dessert of course!

(She can actually throw a spiral!)

After the fun we watched the fireworks and then headed back so the kids could get to sleep. Aric and Mike slept (sorta) in the tent with the kids, while Amy and I were cozy in our beds.

We had a GREAT fourth of July!

My country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing.
Land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrims pride, from every mountain side, let freedom ring!
looks like SOOOOOOOOO much fun. Ours was.. .well, boring. However, we did go to a BBQ at some new LDS neighbors house! She is SUPER crafty, so I think we will get along great! :)
The kids did have a great time, didn't they? Camping Out was a fun idea, however, I'm glad we were comfy indoors. The food was great, the s'mores were the best. Wish the fireworks were longer.
Thanks for sending me pics.
Looks like you had a PARTY of a 4th of July :)
I sure wish you hadn't posted a picture of those smores. They look soooo yummy.
(smores are a HUGE weakness of mine. It's the only way Adam can entice me to go camping.)
Looks like you had a very fun 4th! Ours was well...hot (and fun, just not that fun:)). THe last part of your post was very well said. I appreciated it!
okay, you guys have the cutest family, the cutest couples to hand out with, and the cutest little area to live it! Seriously! What a lucky fun family you have!
I cry (and I'm not a cryier) everytime we sing My Country Tis of Thee in church. Glad you included it here too.
Looks like SOOO much fun! I love fourth of July!
It's so great to see such fabulous photos with sunshine and t-shirts. It's the dead of winter over here (Australia) and I love looking through blogs with summery fun pics in them.
That looks like so much fun! Everyone was dressed so festively too! :)
I'm crying because I wasn't there. You girls are still so stinkin' cute!
I just stumbled onto your blog and have to know...HOW do you combine your pictures in a four-block like that? It looks like blogspot recognizes it as one picture. If you're willing to share, my email is ktksu@yahoo.com. Thanks and CUTE family!!!
My husband would be so impressed that little Edee can throw a spiral!
I love the pictures. :)
I love the Fourth of July, too. It really is amazing all of the freedoms we enjoy in this country. I really feel blessed and need to remember them always.
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