Too busy doing this...

(We are total pool crashers, we are lucky to have people who don't mind us hanging out)
and this...
(We love the SHOCK, I'll wear orange to support the team even though it's not the best color on me)
and this...

(We are getting sooooo close! The beadboard is actually done, now we have to put the room together)
and this...
(Happy Birthday Jess...yes I said Jess and not Jessica because we are tight like that)
With all of the craziness that summer entails, I try really hard not to get overwhelmed by it. My life is too good. I may be busy but I am busy having the time of my life...
(ahhh...David Cook...I've missed him, here's a little reminder of why he won American Idol)
stay tuned for more of my busy-ness...
Hey- I didn't know you guys were at the game last night! You sneakies.
Wow, I'm glad I'm not the only one who's been too busy to blog lately.
I can't wait to see your room when it's finished!
The game was great.... the food might have been better :) Thanks for the fun. Your beadboard is complete, YAAAA!
Looks like fun! I can't believe it, but I don't spend everyday in our pool.. Maybe that is just because school starts next monday....ahhhhhhhhhhhh
There aren't outdoor pools in Spokane, are there? Did you go to California or something?
The bead board looks fabulous! I will do stripes but I'm scared of bead board. Why is that?
I think you look lovely in orange.
This is my first summer blogging and I notice it goes down quite a bit.
Keep partying and enjoy your summer!!
That all looks like so much fun! The room is looking great! I can't wait to see the finished product. :) We just painted ours this weekend--don't know that we'll get much farther than that for awhile.
I'm responding to your email too--sorry I've been such a slacker!
I am happy for you that you are happy and busy :)
Wow! I am so impressed whith your beadboard project! You look so cute in that picture while you are painting...I love that glance at the camera.
You are so lucky that you get to call Jessica, "Jess"...I wish I could go to lunch with you ladies. :D
Haha yes there are quite a few pictures. And wow, I can't believe you're going to pass your crown along to me! :)
I am soooooo excited to come for Maya's baptism. I can't believe how big she is, 8 years old already. I wouldn't miss it for the world!
The room looks great and thank you for not posting a picture of me at Great Floors with my shirt on inside out while you help me look at flooring for the 10 millionth time - I love ya Jess!
have i told you how it's totally not fair that you are having a lot of fun this summer and i have had next to none because all i do is work??? you better cram a summer full of fun into the 5 days we're with you!
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