Monday, February 23, 2009

Jazz Hands and Smokey Eyes

Everyday I pick up Eden from school and I ask her how her day was and if anything exciting happened. She can never remember what she learned, but she can always give me a play by play of the conversations she had.

So last week when I asked about her day she told me about a conversation she had with a boy named Brennan.

B- I know all the weapons in the whole world.

E- I know some girl weapons.

B- There are no such thing as girl weapons.

E- Yes, there are.

B- What are they?

E- Jazz Hands and Smokey Eyes.

Eden likes it when I wear make up, which is usually on Sundays or special occasions like First Friday. She was watching "What Not to Wear" and learned that when I wear eye shadow it looks like "Smokey Eyes". Ever since First Friday she has been obsessed with my outfit/overall look. She wanted to dress up like me so this is what she put on...


She wanted me to do "Smokey Eyes" on her but this was one of my really sick days so all I did was her hair. Besides heaven knows we didn't need any weapons in the house.


Lindsey said...

Woah... Watch out for that one! You are going to have your HANDS FULL!!!

♥Shally said...

Smart, smart girl!

(I love What Not to Wear- will you nominate me so I can get a $5000 shopping spree in NYC???)

Jessica said...

Man, that's one boring kid.

Hope your next one's a little more exciting.

kthom said...

Just so you know, it's a toss up between Jazz hands and smokey eyes..(with an up-do) or your sweet comments that made my night. Thanks for that. Oh, and that delicious looking little fella you finally received......congrats!!

rikki said...

Oh my gosh I love that! Where do kids come up with these things?? :)

just the five of us said...

That is the cutest thing! Remember to write down all of the witty things she says...Write a book and make a million:D

The Hansen Clan said...

Oh, I am dying over that one... She is one smart girl to know those are girl weapons.

Jean McKendrick said...

Oh my gosh, she is so cute! I laughed when I saw her pictures. Had I known she wanted a girl weapon I would've picked her up a pirate (pink) gun from pirates at Disney. I tried to talk my boys into one because I thought they were so cute and sparkly. Jaime got Ashtyn one.
In answer to your question, yes, you have a lot of different things to look forward to with your little boy (or so I hear, I've never had girls). Messy, busy, always exploring and not afraid of danger.

Jenny Erazo said...

What a funny little girl! It is amazing how their minds work! You guys crack me up!

Lauren in GA said...

Oh, she has a point. Smoky eyes are a total weapon. I loved your last line about not needing any more weapons in the house!

Ilene said...

That Eden is adorable. She has such sass in her picture!

I can see it now, Camden will grow up thinking jazz hands and eyeshadow will destroy all the bad guys.

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT!!! Lennon knows that she has bad powers. They live in her tummy. Her good powers live in her brain. She gives the good powers to people who are nice to her and the bad powers go those who are not. The regulating force of these powers is the bump she has on her lip. it helps the powers not cross in her throat. i'm not kidding.

Can Eden come over and play? they could exchange weapons and powers. and be crazy cute together...we're not busy thursday afternoon. will that work?

Melissa-Mc said...

That is SO funny! I can't wait until she is a teenager.